How do I get a copy of my results?
Our office charges a $10 administrative fee for each request to email or print your test results.
Below is a list of free or cheaper and more convenient options.

Imaging reports
If you got your imaging done at a hospital site, you can access the report for free.
If your imaging was done at University Health Network (UHN - Toronto General, Toronto Western or Princess Margaret Hospital), you can visit the myUHN Portal (
If you got your imaging done at Sunnybrook, Baycrest, William Osler, Bridgepoint, Michael Garron, Mount Sinai, North York General, St. Joseph’s, St. Michael’s, or West Park Healthcare Centre, you can visit the MyChart Portal (
If you got your imaging done in the community, you can access your report for $5/request through Pocket Health:
Lab reports
If you have access to a myUHN portal, you can view your blood work results (done anywhere in Ontario dating back to 2008) from this account for free (
If you got your bloodwork done at Dynacare, you can sign up for Dynacare Plus, which charges $9.99 per year:
If you got your bloodwork done at Lifelabs, you can sign up for My Care Compass, which is free: